Our first awningawning
We went away at easter in our tourer in the snow! my older daughter came to see us and said why dont you move into your caravan permantely because we spent more time away then we did at home!, it got us thinking that it really wasnt a bad idea because we had enough of scrimping and scrapeing to keep our rented house on which was to big for My Wife, and myself and decided on the 19th April to move permantely into our tourer which is a Bailey Pageant Bordeaux with a fixed bed one end and a double other end so plenty of room for all three of us..
We gave notice on our house and storage plot and moved onto a CL site nearby Rainbow Nurseries.
Cleared the house packed up the important stuff into boxes and stored in our older daughters garage, packed stuff we needed into the van bought a couple of plastic boxes for the clothes, it really does make you realize how much stuff you tend to keep and not need! took some pictures of the family and displayed them in our caravan on shelves i bought a digital photo frame to store photos on when im on electrics.
Bought a different awning off ebay with two annexes but when it came it had seen better days so set about looking for a different one. So with my daughters Gerbil, Hamster and family dog paddy on board!
Let a new life begin