12344_10151828814511651_1952140687_n1011739_10151828814676651_186982763_nBeen at great bentley now nearly six weeks had the worst storms for forty five years and we have survived so far. The rain has lashed down the wind has gusted and the awning has stood up to it. One night the wind was so strong it woke us up by rocking the van but the awning was fine when we woke in the morning there was a bin lid lying behind the van had been blown some feet across the field. Have had a lot of rain as well have move the door on awning a few times so it doesn't get to boggy
A van has pulled in today so now five of us but the motor home lady comes and goes with her five dogs don't know how she gets in with all the dogs. The van that came in today he has gone but left the twin axle challenger I don't think he has had it long he couldn't get the motor mover to work hung around looking for a while then went but he has sunk in I don't know why he has gone like he has maybe he coming back tomorrow. Our neighbour came back think he is moving into his van for some time as he has put up a awning and has took a tumble dryer in, the couple from didn't like the log cabins that were here last year moved their van off storage onto the site think they were shocked to see so many of us here they left the van and came back this weekend and put the awning up obviously sorting it out ready for staying in while their site is shut,
So their is seven of us here now including eleven dogs!! Had loads more rain the other night it was so heavy it woke us up in the night but that seems that's all we keep getting but rather that then snow,
Got another car now with a tow bar its a Volvo got a few problems but will fix it didn't like the mondeo
Went to take paddy out this morning and their was a shoot on again so kept to the site