1001370_10151481796666651_1722990575_n1070047_10151471222756651_396070301_n1069228_10151471221581651_809921785_n944256_10151471223106651_2057594667_n1070106_10151471221131651_1984860756_n934098_10151391971001651_927704199_n1010829_10151471222926651_931920146_n1069335_10151471222171651_1878882125_n21369_10151471222666651_474574074_nArrived at Bluegates at five o clock from Bentley was shocked to see the site looked full as we were coming down the drive, even some of the ralliers hadn't left, we pulled onto site to find one spot where we could go right next to a motorhome he was really friendly said two of them on site were from the rally and were staying on they had hogged one end of fishing lake, by the time we set up after hiding behind the van for a bit because of the heat their were seven of us on site! three were pulling off next day, at seven o clock which was the time we were meant to pull in a couple came who go there on regular basis and always want the spot near the swim which to his disgust had been taken, he asked if we were going I said no with that the owner came said she made a cock up and said he could go on rally field till the morning.
We met a nice couple while we were there they came from Ipswich had a lot of problems with their van even though it was only two years old! they fell in love with Paddy kept a eye on him while Adrian was fishing even though the fishing was useless.
Spent the evenings walking Paddy but for some reason this year they hadn't cut the paths